Corporate Governance
We are committed to adhere by the laws
and regulations of the Securities &
Futures Commission of Cayman Island. Mecom Holding WLL has
high standards of corporate
governance, ensuring transparency in
financial reporting, accompanied by good
business leadership and professionally
equipped management that geared to have
long-term success for the Company.
Corporate governance sets focus not only
on business risks and the company's
reputation, but most importantly to
oversee the corporate social
responsibility towards all our
stakeholders. As a responsible business,
we recognize the significance of
effective corporate governance by way of
showing respect for society and the
environment, communicate in an open
and transparent manner, and perform in
accordance with legal, corporate and
ethical guidelines. We have established
a Corporate Governance Model powered
by cutting-edge tools and relevant
committees that are consistent with our
relentless commitment in creating
long-term stockholder value and they are
part of the reason why we are
well-positioned for a productive future.
Though our board of directors is ultimately responsible for overseeing the overall operation of our group, nonetheless, all of our employees play a vital role in enforcing solid governance in accordance with all related laws and regulations and conforms to the International Financial Reporting Standards. To further strengthen control and boost our employee’s confidence, we adopt a policy that encourages our employees in good faith to comment on our reporting methods and processes and to air out any concerns. Our commitment is to deliver and maximize our value to our all shareholders and stakeholders alike, and to save the rights of the Minority, to promote the principles of integrity, credibility and transparency, that support a concrete understanding, that as a public conglomerate, we are the custodians of other people’s investments. That said, they have invested with us to achieve higher returns at an acceptable risk.
We believe good governance is as important to the success of Mecom Holding WLL as the operational achievements of the company is in the enhancement of shareholder value. The Board of Directors of Mecom Holding WLL is comprised of prominent Cayman Island. The Board has been instrumental in establishing a strong corporate governance culture in the Company. It plays an important role in defining and enforcing standards of accountability that enable Management to manage the Company in the best interests of its shareholders. The Board has a formal schedule of matters reserved to it and holds regular and frequent meetings. It is responsible for overall Company strategy, acquisition and divestment policy, approval of capital expenditure proposals and consideration of significant financing matters. It monitors the Company’s exposure to key business risks and reviews the annual budget of the Company. It also oversees its progress towards of budget achievement. In addition, the board considers environmental and employee issues and key appointments as well. All directors are required to submit themselves for re-election at least once every three years.
Though our board of directors is ultimately responsible for overseeing the overall operation of our group, nonetheless, all of our employees play a vital role in enforcing solid governance in accordance with all related laws and regulations and conforms to the International Financial Reporting Standards. To further strengthen control and boost our employee’s confidence, we adopt a policy that encourages our employees in good faith to comment on our reporting methods and processes and to air out any concerns. Our commitment is to deliver and maximize our value to our all shareholders and stakeholders alike, and to save the rights of the Minority, to promote the principles of integrity, credibility and transparency, that support a concrete understanding, that as a public conglomerate, we are the custodians of other people’s investments. That said, they have invested with us to achieve higher returns at an acceptable risk.
We believe good governance is as important to the success of Mecom Holding WLL as the operational achievements of the company is in the enhancement of shareholder value. The Board of Directors of Mecom Holding WLL is comprised of prominent Cayman Island. The Board has been instrumental in establishing a strong corporate governance culture in the Company. It plays an important role in defining and enforcing standards of accountability that enable Management to manage the Company in the best interests of its shareholders. The Board has a formal schedule of matters reserved to it and holds regular and frequent meetings. It is responsible for overall Company strategy, acquisition and divestment policy, approval of capital expenditure proposals and consideration of significant financing matters. It monitors the Company’s exposure to key business risks and reviews the annual budget of the Company. It also oversees its progress towards of budget achievement. In addition, the board considers environmental and employee issues and key appointments as well. All directors are required to submit themselves for re-election at least once every three years.